Selasa, 29 April 2008

When Sansevieria Reincarnates

Sansevieria is a fiber plant with millions benefits. Its fiber has been utilized since hundreds years ago. In Indonesia, this utilization has not been popular yet. Rosyid Akhmadi, is one of the people who raised the utilization of sansevieria in his research for interior design. The man who graduated from Art Design of UII, processed the sansevieria fiber becoming a cloth which is combined with batik bali painting as a room divider. While H Abduk Kadir in Pekalongan, has tried to weave sansevieria fiber becoming a cloth since 1990. His production is limited due to the difficulty in obtaining the raw material. Far away in Bandung, Liliek Suharni expressed her creativity to make a variety of handicrafts from sansevieria fiber into bags, wall decorations, until greeting cards. A variety of uses of sansevieria make it more perfect as a modern plant with multi-uses.

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