Selasa, 06 Mei 2008

Bach flowers remedies

As mentioned above the first flower remedies were the Bach Flower Remedies and there are thirty eight of these, which are used to treat a lot of different problems in both people and animals. These are a great place to start and to study to get familiar with the Flower essences and you can really treat almost every condition with these alone. Each essence treats a particular imbalance and they can be used alone or in combination depending what the problem is. It is often more effective to use a single essence, as this is more focused. It is possible to use more, but the maximum recommended number of remedies to combine is seven, and it is best to use as few as possible for maximum results.
One well chosen flower remedy will be more powerful in its action. In practice three or four related remedies seem to work well together for example, a combination might be made up for treating fear composed of the following three Bach Flower Remedies. Mimulus may be used for fear of known causes, Aspen for groundless fears, Rock Rose for acute fear or panic. Together these three remedies will cover most aspects of fear, and will act as a good general fear remedy. If the fear was due to some trauma that had happened in the past then another remedy called Star of Bethlehem may be considered, as this helps release any shock and trauma from the body, however long ago it took place.
The most useful Bach Flower Remedy of all is actually a combination of five other remedies, that act synergistically to calm stress and fear. This is wonderful any time there is shock, stress or trauma. It is an invaluable addition to the first aid kit that any pet owner would find useful. It can be safely used before visiting the vet office or after any kind of injury. It will often revive animals that are in shock and help in their journey to the vet and subsequent recovery, though it is obviously not a replacement for immediate veterinary care. It has definitely saved many animals and is totally safe.
The five remedies are Star of Bethlehem for trauma and numbness, Clematis for being grounded and to prevent passing out, Rock Rose for panic, Impatiens for tension and irritability and Cherry Plum to prevent losing control. Basically four drops of the stock bottle are added to a one ounce glass dropper bottle of spring water and shaken up. It is best to make this up immediately before use as the mixture will not keep too long.Three or four drops of the mixture can be given into the mouth or onto the gums every five minutes until a response is seen. Rescue Remedy can also be given in the water during any time of stress and in this case it is best to use ten drops every time the water is changed.
Rescue Remedy and the other thirty eight remedies are available in most good health food stores. They are very valuable healing essences and well worth using. The other remedies can be prepared by adding two drops of each remedy that is indicated into a one ounce dropper bottle, and adding spring water, and a dropper or two of a preservative such as brandy or apple cider vinegar. For people alcohol is used as a preservative but I find in small animals like rabbits it is best to use plain spring water. Four drops can be given on the gums four times daily, for about six to eight weeks to achieve the desired effect.

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