Selasa, 06 Mei 2008

Common flower remedies

For animals that are very fearful, for no apparent reason, and are very sensitive to anxiety and apprehension. They may tremble with fear and anxiety without any obvious causation. (Bach)
Bleeding Heart
For grieving animals that have suffered a loss of either another animal or person. It also helps animals who have never recovered from a loss or grief that happened in the past. (FES)
For animals that are overly submissive and eager to please, tending to be bullied by other animals. For animals that grovel and urinate from submissive behavior when petted. (Bach)
This is a calming remedy that helps fractious and irritable animals. It is especially useful if they are teething and also helps the animal that tends to have terrible temper tantrums. (FES)
Cherry Plum
For animals that cannot control their behavior, such as aggression and biting, and tend to have violent impulses towards other animals and people, and even be dangerous. (Bach)
For the overly possessive and maternal animal that wants attention all the time and is also jealous of other animals or people who might compete with them for affection. (Bach)
Crab Apple
For cleansing the body and getting rid of toxins. This remedy acts more on the physical body than any of the other essences and is good for any situation where cleansing is required. (Bach)
For animals that are easily discouraged and give up easily and are easily set back. For example in training programs they will give up if they make even a small mistake. (Bach)
For animals that hate to be left alone, and suffer from separation anxiety. These animals tend to be very vocal, and may whine and cry a lot if they have to be left alone. (Bach)
For the impatient, fast moving, hyperactive animal that never seems to slow down. These animals can be snappy and irritable and they tend to rush ahead, or pull on the leash. (Bach)
For animals that lack self confidence and tend to be timid and shy, can help animals that need to perform in the show ring but dont have the confidence to show themselves well. (Bach)
This remedy is for animals that are scared of known things, such as thunderstorms, other animals or people. It helps them to overcome their fears and be timid and scared of the world. (Bach)
For animals that are exhausted and drained by a long strain or a difficult illness, such as a chronic disease. This will help them handle the ordeal better and become stronger again. (Bach)
Pink Yarrow
Helps protect animals from negative emotional energy, such as during a divorce, or stressful family situation, or when another animal or person is sick or draining their energy reserves.
Rescue Remedy
The single most useful flower remedy combination, helps with any kind of stress or trauma, such as accidents, birthing, illness, stress, and it even helps recovery after a seizure. (Bach)
Rock Rose
This is useful for animals that are very scared and prone to panic attacks, for no known reason. They become totally rigid with fear and tend to be very highly strung and nervous. (Bach)
Self Heal
This is a wonderful remedy either alone or in combination. It helps healing by stimulating the innate healing reserves of the body and is useful in any illness to bring about healing. (FES)
Special Yarrow Formula
The Special Yarrow formula helps protect animals and people from negative external influences such as environmental pollution, toxins, electromagnetic energy and other factors. (FES)
Star of Bethlehem
For animals that have suffered any kind of trauma, emotional or physical, such as an accident or abuse. It will help them to recover from this shock, however long ago it took place. (Bach)
Tiger Lily
This remedy helps with aggression and animals that tend to bite and snap. It helps them release aggression and be less hostile, and opens them up to learning to co-operate with others. (FES)
This is good for the very enthusiastic animal that is over bearing and highly strung. It helps calm hyperactivity and restlessness and suits the animal that wears people out by their excess energy. (Bach)
This remedy helps with the dominant animal who wants to be the boss of all the other animals and people. They are bullies to the other animals around them and hate to be disciplined. (Bach)
This is an extremely useful remedy for any time of transition, such as moving house, becoming pregnant, adjusting to new animals or family members, or going to a new situation. (Bach)
Water Violet
This remedy tends to suit cats that are unusually introverted and detached, and it helps open them up to be more friendly and outgoing and less aloof and emotionally distant. (Bach)
Wild Oat
Helps the restless animal that never seems to know what they want or to settle down into anything, it helps them to focus their energies and be less scattered in their approach to life. (Bach)
This remedy helps with resentment and bitterness and often helps cats that urinate everywhere, due to a change in the household, such as the arrival of another animal or a baby. (Bach)

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