Selasa, 06 Mei 2008

The Scent of Agarwood from the Yard

To obtain 21 kg of agar, Adi Saptono does not have to exhaustedly explore forests. All he has to do is to cut 3 agarwoods down at his yard post-insertion. From the selling of the agar, he obtained Rp52-million income. Johny Wangko is another grower who also experienced agarwood business. In March 2008, he marketed 15 kg of agar #3. The productivity of agarwood Aquillaria malaccensis is 2 kg on the average per 4 m high agarwood. With the price Rp1,3-million per kg, Johny gained Rp20-millions.
For the last five years, there indeed have been many people who grow that resinous tree. The main attraction is in the high selling price that reaches Rp30-millions per kg. Who would not be interested in such a high price? That is the reason why there are many people who are looking for agarwood in the forest. As a result, the population of agarwood in nature is shrinked. Some species such as Aquillaria malaccensis is now listed in appendix II by Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species Wild Flora and Fauna (CITES). For that reason, the only way to tackle the matter is by cultivating the resinous tree.

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