Selasa, 06 Mei 2008

Mushroom of Immortality from Underground

There is no single woodchip beds inside the house which looks like a pig back, but hundreds of ling zhi mushrooms come out from beneath the sandy floor. Apparently, Fumimaru Mayuzumi, a grower in Chome Isesaski, Japan, has buried 15 cm logs with the thickness of 10 cm under the sand. In Sukoharjo, Central Java, Pardjimo also cultivates that mushroom of immortality.
Ling zhi is propagated inside 9 m x 29 m kumbung, shed made of bamboo. Pardjimo cultivates the member of Polyporaceae family in 35 cm baglogs. The 55 year-old man harvests 3 quintal of dry ling zhi from his 3 kumbung. He markets those mushrooms as painkiller.

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