Selasa, 06 Mei 2008

California essences

The California Flower Essences, known as quintessentials, are made by the Flower Essence Society in the Sierra Nevada foothills in California. The non-profit organization was formed by Patricia Kaminski and Richard Katz and is very scientifically based. They have an extensive practitioner research program and are continually researching new flower essences. The Society has three purposes which are the research into therapeutic uses of the flower essences, training and certification programs and communication and referrals between people and practitioners interested in flower remedies.
FES makes a large number of different essences and several are worth mentioning individually. There is a Special Yarrow Formula that is effective in protecting both people and animals against harmful environmental influences, such as radiation, pollution, electromagnetic radiation, for example from computers. This also protects against negative emotions that can affect health and well-being. Animals and children are particularly sensitive to picking up the emotions and moods of the people around them and this formula helps to prevent this. Emotional stress in animals, picked up from the family, can manifest as psychological stress such as inappropriate urination, feather plucking or chewing on themselves, and this formula can often help in these situations.
Bleeding heart is another very useful flower remedy that as it suggests helps heal the heart. It is invaluable after any kind of grief, such as the loss of a family member or other pet, for both the people and animals suffering the loss. It can be used for a female animal after her puppies or kittens leave to other homes, or after a divorce or separation, where animals are affected just as much as people to the stresses and painful emotions. Chamomile is useful, as is the herb (which is often made as a tea) for calming the emotions and soothing irritable and fractious animals, and is especially useful for younger pets and children, when they are teething and tend to be restless and cranky.
There are numerous other California Essences which are useful too, for specific emotional problems and they can be combined most successfully with Bach Flower Remedies or other essences. One essence that works well on the physical body is Garlic, and this helps to repel fleas, and does not have any of the other effects of garlic, including the odor, some animals are sensitive to garlic as a herb, and it should not be used in too large dosages, and the flower essence garlic offers a safe and effective alternative, which can be used on a daily basis, and helps to enhance the function of the immune system.

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