Senin, 05 Mei 2008

Other hardy plants

Phygelius, the Cape Figwort is grown for their showy tubular flowers which are borne in late summer into autumn. This plant is best treated like a hardy fuchsia, varieties may be hard to find but well worth growing.
Geranium maderense, This tender short lived perennial has erect steams of large deeply toothed, bright green leaves. Numerous panicles of magenta / pink flowers are produced on established plants. Can be shy to flower be the leaves are magnificent even if the plant fails to flower, plant in full sun in a sheltered aspect, protect in winter if necessary.
Ceratostigma willmotianum, the very bright blue flowers of this plant are freely borne in late summer / autumn, its is valuable for its late flowering. Best treated as an herbaceous plant, cut down all stems annually to ground level in early to mid spring.
Fuchsia, hardy fuchsias are best reduced to ground level in spring each year to encourage new strong growth. The wide range of varieties of these exotic looking plants come in all shapes, sizes and leaf colour. They are suitable and grow best in light shade the following varieties are recommend, 'Golden Treasure' with yellow foliage, Riccartonii' which is one of the hardest and can be used as an hedge. 'Pumila a ground cover fuchia and magellanica versicolor a very hardy upright type with silver grey foilage.
Verbascum, New varieties are being bread and old varieties are being reintroduced of this attractive plant. The plants are rosette forming and usually short lived, they send up erect tall steams bearing dense flowers. Plant in sheltered situations or be prepared to stake flower spikes. Varieties of note are chaixii album (the nettle leaved mullein) with white flowers and mauve centers, 'Gainsborough' a widely grown variety with yellow flowers and 'Raspberry Ripple' a new dwarf hybrid.
Aquilegia, these clump forming plants plants mainly flower in late spring into early summer .They will grow in partial shade and are becoming very popular with gardeners to-day. Many varieties in a range of colours are available, an easy plant to grow for the new gardener.
Helleborus orientalis, The lenten rose produces outward facing saucer shaped flowers, of white or greenish cream, becoming pink with age from mid winter to mid spring. Ideal for growing in deep shade and under trees.
Sedum spectabile, produces a mass of pink flowers in late summer that attract butterflies and bees. The plant is clump forming , the grey-green leaves are attractive when the plant is not in flower.

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