Selasa, 06 Mei 2008

Use of flower remidies

As described above, flower remedies and essences have many and varied uses, but act mainly on the higher emotional levels. The body is affected very much by the emotions and the mind, and by healing at a deeper level flower remedies can shift illnesses, either alone, or more often in combination with other forms of treatment. For example, skin problems may manifest in animals during times of anxiety and stress, such as when a new pet or a human baby, enters the household. The physical symptoms may be due to jealousy, anger, resentment, loneliness or other emotions, but by careful questioning an idea of what may be going on can be determined and a remedy mixture made up to address the root cause of the problem. In the meantime the skin may also need to be treated, but the end results with addressing the issue at both these levels are much better than merely treating the skin alone.
Flower remedies can help a lot with behavioral problems, such as biting and aggression. It is important to combine the remedy with training and behavior modification, and both these approaches are enhanced by the use of flower remedies. Fear, which is a common problem in animals, also can be helped by suitable remedies, and a combination of Rescue Remedy and the fear remedies mentioned above will often help in situations such as fear of thunderstorms, or general lack of confidence. Animals that have been rescued or abused in the past often benefit wonderfully from the use of appropriate flower essences, and they can help to restore their confidence and build trust.
Rescue Remedy, combined with the homeopathic remedy Aconite makes a wonderful calming essence that can be used on wild animals, and for rehabilitation, as mentioned above it works well on any kind of stress or fear situation and definitely helps with survival rate in these situations. A few drops of the combined essence on the gums or even onto the ear of the rescued animal will calm them down and make them easier to handle. It can even be sprayed onto the skin or ears with a spray bottle and will still have a beneficial effect. A dropper of the combination can be put in the daily water for rescued animals to help them withstand the stress of captivity, and make them more manageable.
Other problem pets such as animals that tend to wander away from home, cats that urinate and defecate all over the house, animals that suffer from separation anxiety can all benefit from flower remedies, and their problems can be improved. It depends on the situation, often if the change will be permanent, some problems are related to other animals in the household, such as territorial behavior, and this may persist as long as another cat is present. Nevertheless appropriate flower essences can help alleviate and resolve many of these situations, again combined most effectively with behavior modification and possible changes to the living environment.

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